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El celobert

Balls de moda

Durada: 1 h

Si la música es va crear per ballar, avui tenim un programa intrínsecament musical. Viatgem a finals dels anys 50 per rescatar les cançons basades en un ball de moda. Prepareu-vos per moure el cos a ritme de watusi, boogaloo o funky chicken. Serà memorable.  01 Arthur Conley - "Sweet soul music" 02 The Capitols - "Cool Jerk" 03 Chubby Checker - "The twist" 04 The Primitives - "The ostrich" 05 Chubby Checker - "Limbo rock" 06 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - "Mickey's monkey" 07 Little Eva - "The locomotion" 08 Mo Horizons - "Do the boogaloo" 09 Rufus Thomas - "Do the funky chicken" 10 Rufus Thomas - "Can your monkey do the dog?" 11 Ray Anthony - "The hokey pokey" 12 The Cat - "Do the watusi" 13 The Orions - "The wah-watusi" 14 The Ran Dells - "The martian hop" 15 Freak On a Leash - "Monster mash" 16 Jerry Dallaman and The Knightcaps - "The bug" 17 James Brown - "(Do the) mashed potatoes" 18 Sam Cooke - "Twistin' the night away"


