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Filling the sink

Pandemic perspectives - Five years of covid-19 in Catalonia

Durada: 25 min

On March 14, 2020, Spain declared a state of alarm in the face of the coronavirus health crisis, placing the nation in lockdown and ordering the population to stay at home. Five years later, we look back on the pandemic and analyze the long term effects of covid-19 in Catalonia. We meet Carmen Cabezas, who was public health secretary during the pandemic and who led the vaccination campaign. Current health secretary Esteve Fernández analyses the lessons learned and explains the importance of cooperation in effectively managing epidemics. And reporter Cillian Shields meets some of the patients who are suffering from long covid to find out how the virus has changed their lives. This week, our Catalan phrase is "Val més curar-se en salut," which is equivalent to the English saying "Prevention is better than cure." It emphasizes the importance of taking care of your health and preventing problems before they arise.