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Barcelona Pride 2024: Advocating for LGBTI+ education

Durada: 23 min
Every year in Catalonia, the LGBTI+ community celebrates Pride, an almost month-long celebration with events, talks, and demonstrations culminating in the big Pride demonstration or parade in Barcelona, on Saturday, July 20th.
Pride is also a moment to reflect on the work that needs to be done, and this year, the focus is on LGBTI+ education, under the title "Education in Sexual and Gender Diversity: A pending subject".
Organizers and activists are calling for a more inclusive school curriculum and diversity training for teachers.
Lorcan Doherty joins host Lea Beliaeva Bander to chat about the need for diversity-focused education in the classroom.
We hear from Katy Pallàs, a longtime queer activist and former teacher; Olga Sánchez, a teacher at one of Barcelona's 'Rainbow Schools'; and Teo Pardo, a biology teacher and trans man.
This week's Catalan phrase is "paper mullet", which literally translates to "wet paper" and means useless or not worth the paper it's written on.
