October 1 baton charges are finally displayed in the Supreme Court
After the last videos requested as evidence by the Government Attorney's Office, the time to display the videos submitted by the parties to the defence in the Catalan independence trial came on Wednesday morning.
The first videos to be displayed were those on the list of Andreu Van den Eynde, from the defence team of Oriol Junqueras and Raül Romeva.
The first two showed Joan Ignasi Elena and Jordi Cuixart defending the civic and peaceful nature of the pro-independence movement.

After that, videos of police interventions on October 1, which the presiding magistrate of the court, Manuel Marchena, did not want to be cross-examined with the statements of witnesses, were displayed.
The first ones were in schools in Barcelona such as the Infant Jesús and IES Pau Claris schools, which became famous due to the actions of the police in the entrance stairway.
We have recovered footage of the evacuation. The same events can be seen in the Courtroom from another point of view:
It was also shown how in the Escola Pia de Sant Antoni, also in Barcelona, the judiciary committee took away voting material while citizens sitting on the ground sang "Els segadors".
Outside, the videos showed baton charges against demonstrators who reacted with shouts and insults against the officers. Chants such as "we are peaceful people" and "we are normal people voting" can also be heard.
There were also videos of the Ministry of Education in Barcelona, which was a polling station on October 1 and in which the National Police intervened.
Among shouts of "They shall not pass" and "We want to vote", the officers lifted and poshed demonstrators of ages, and former minister Clara Ponsatí can be seen:
Another police intervention in Barcelona that was displayed in the Supreme Court is that in escola Orlandai, in which it can be seen how National Police agents fired rubber bullets:
While the images were displayed, Van den Eynde renounced many of the videos in the list he had requested.
Images of Guardia Civil baton charges in Sant Carles de la Ràpita, where 40 people were injured, were seen. This is the story that was broadcast on TV3 at the time:
People gathered in front of the polling station singing "Els segadors" in front of the officers were displayed in a video: